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Welcome to dorc

dorc is a data orchestration library built by 10DS (Number 10 Data Science).

dorc enables you to define and orchestrate data pipelines with minimal Python code and automatically deploy them into any Amazon Web Services environment.


For a dorc project, place the dorc repository alongside your pipeline config repository. The dorc repository contains code for infrastructure deployment and models for config and pipeline definitions.

The visual representation below depicts a typical dorc setup, illustrating the above description.

dorc Overview

Motivation for dorc

At Number 10, we faced the challenge of abstracting away the complex infrastructure code required when building a data orchestration project from a repository. Our goal was to enable data scientists and analysts to focus on writing pure pipeline code without having to deal with custom infrastructure-as-code or maintain extensive lists of configuration files.

Additionally, we aimed for the orchestration to be cost-effective, scalable, and easy for scientists to learn. While Prefect, Dagster, and Airflow offer a good infrastructure abstraction from the repository, they are not inherently serverless and require the deployment of multiple services.

dorc was created to address these concerns. It is built entirely on AWS and embraces a serverless approach. Under the hood, dorc leverages AWS Lambdas and Step Functions, a highly scalable service for distributed orchestration.